April 24, 2016 by John Kuepper, Member
Being an HVAC Boulder CO company, we understand the importance of having equipment that runs efficiently, and there are many ways we help our customers to maintain their equipment. One of the ways we do this is by identifying potential problems before they arise. Oil analysis is an effective way to see what issues may be lurking underneath the surface. It involves looking at the properties of the oil in your equipment and determining whether or not there is debris, contaminants, acidity, moisture or metal wear. For example, based upon the metals we find in the oil, we can determine what is causing the metal to form. Once we have identified the root problem we can make simple repairs that will help to eliminate catastrophic failure. It is important to know that when conditions that are detrimental to your equipment start to develop, those changes will often times show up in the oil first. By doing an oil analysis as an optional part of our preventive maintenance program, we can help discover and resolve issues that could end up being costly without the benefit of looking at the oil properties.
Here is an example of an oil analysis that we performed for one of our loyal customers.